
Core Services
Turnaround Management
Corporate distress can have many reasons. Poor strategic choices, high operating
cost, insufficient resources or inadequate controls are particularly frequent causes. In the case of production
units, often the efficiency level of various production steps is unsatisfactory. When CRMC is called in, first
step is to find the root causes of the crisis. Our benchmark is to have a team ready within 2-3 days. While each
case is different, we usually proceed in the following steps: We decide together with our customer if Management
Consulting, Interim Management or Executive Search is the most promising way to proceed. Immediately after that
an action plan is drafted and business restructuring begins (crisis management)
- Due Diligence
One of our core strengths are company due diligence reports. We screen your company from top to bottom and
make the result our basis for all further recommendations
- Mergers and Acquisitions
You want to buy or sell a business. We find the best possible counterpart
- Project Management
Your company is successful and growing. You have projects on hold, because there is no management capacity to
pursue them. CRMC has the right team to implement your project reliably and fast.
- Law and Tax
CRMC accompanies you in legal and tax matters. No matter if you intend to merge companies in Thailand and / or
China, or simply have concerns / issues with local authorities. We have the solution for your problem. We have
been particularly successful in arbitration counseling/mediations and out of court settlements. CR Management
Consulting has developed a specialized, highly sophisticated process tailored to Asia, which we and our clients
have found to be highly successful
- Business Planning
A professional business plan is a key success factor for any enterprise. We know what it takes to succeed
in Asia, and the common causes for failure. If you are a start up or a medium sized company, a good business
plan helps ensure that you will make informed decisions and to choose the right options
- Marketing Planning
In order to make the best use of your marketing budget, it is of utmost importance to have a proper marketing
strategy and marketing plan in place. Our experts know the market place and can set you on the right path.